Kelly Rulison
Sports Editor
Softball season is heating up and Lewis and Clark Community College Women’s Softball team is still growing a strong bond with each other through this sport. They won their first two games at Spoon River on April 16 with the score from game one being 10-2 and game 2 being 7-5. On April 17, the Trailblazers won game one 13-4 and game two 7-6.
With so many games currently scheduled for the team to play they hardly have much time for practice anymore. “We practice when we aren’t playing. It’s hard to say how many hours,” said sophomore softball player, Jordyn Roady.
“Right now there are so many games on the schedule that we just practice when we aren’t playing games. This week it has been 3 days of practice. We play conference games every weekend, and non conference during the week,” Roady continued.
The team grows strong with their wins, but even stronger through their losses as it teaches them their weaknesses and strengths.
The next day on April 23 LC played against Lincoln Land and lost game one 6-11, and game two 4-7. On April 24 LC played against Lincoln Land and lost game one 0-8, and lost game two 3-11.
Most of the players have been playing this sport for some time now. Some since they were very young. “I started playing softball when I was little to gain friendships and become more active,” said sophomore softball player, Kaelyn Schoenherr. “I then realized I enjoyed pitching, so thus I started taking pitching lessons and learned how to throw a fastball, change up, drop curve, and screwball.”
There’s quite a bond that develops between people who shed blood, sweat, and tears together all for a sport they each love. “I love my team for many reasons. We have so much chemistry and work so well together. I’m always having fun and laughing when I’m with them.” Roady said.
For more information on the softball team and their schedule, visit the L&C Athletics page or email Coach Ronda Roberts at rroberts@lc.edu.