Halloween is almost upon us, which means it’s time to celebrate the evil that walks our earth. To survive the night, we must dress up and blend in so that supernatural beings cannot recognize us.
For those who have a small budget, but wish to not look it, below are some ideas to get the ball rolling.

Zombies have been overused, be a victim of an attempted homicide with some elementary Elmer’s glue and red food coloring that makes horrific wounds as far as the eye can see. Wear a shirt that you won’t mind ruining, and ripped up pants to give the illusion of having run through forested areas.
To achieve originality, get a box and cut out holes for the legs, arms, and head.Then cut six plastic cup size holes, paint it all one color and you’re a Lego. It is best to wear tights and a long-sleeved shirt with this costume.
For even simpler ideas raid the closet for a black jacket, gardening gloves, and crazy glasses to be a mad scientist.
Couples could dress up as PB&J with one wearing an orange shirt that says ‘“JIF”, and the other wearing a purple shirt that says “Welch’s”.
This next idea simply requires balloons and a T-shirt. Blow up the balloons, and stick them to a shirt of the same color and you are grapes. Leaves can be used as accessories.

Also, to make a gypsy costume, where a long skirt of any color with a multicolored top of your choice and go all-out with jewelry.
Get out a cute dresses, black boots, and a red-hooded cape to be Little Red Riding Hood.
For those with a lot of time on their hands who want to be the most creative, buy some non-toxic face-paint for less than $20 at any local store, get a large picture frame, and turn yourself into a work of art.
Halloween doesn’t have to be about the amount of money spent on a costume. With these ideas creativity is key.
Head to our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/thelcbridge and link some of your favorite Youtube tutorials for costume ideas in the comments.
Contact Kelly at krulison@lc.edu