Get Smart with New Smart Grid Technology Classes

Bridge MASTHEAD 2 (alternate)

Megan Brummet
Staff Writer

 Lewis and Clark Community College now offers a certificate in Smart Grid Technology. This certificate offers students with a basic knowledge and an entry level foundation in computer networking, renewable energy technology, power transmission, and distribution, and energy efficient buildings.

“A Smart Grid is a modernized power distribution system that uses information and communications technology to improve efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of production and distribution of electricity” Smart Grid Technology Coordinator Chris Reese said.

Smart Grid certification can lead into a multitude of career possibilities including electrical and electronic engineering, electrical and electronic technicians, maintenance technicians and energy production.

“In coming years, utilities will continue implementation of smart grid technologies and will rely on new employees with unique skill sets. Smart Grid career possibilities span several occupational categories, including electrical and electronic engineers, electrical and electronic technicians, computer network administrators, computer system analysts, installation technicians, maintenance technicians and energy production occupations” Reese said.

Any students that are interested in renewable energies, modernization of the power distribution system, and use of new technologies to solve problems may find that smart grid technology is a good and rewarding field of study.

“The unique part of this program is the ability of students to design their own certificate according to the individual interests and choose a course sequence that emphasizes different aspects of the smart grid. For example, a student may choose to focus on metering, networking, and network security or, alternatively, on power transmission and production including distributed generation,” Reese said.

There are several classes within this certification to completion including; the first one required is Smart Grid overview course (SGRD 100), then students can choose any of the three other courses following: Efficient Electrical Power Systems (SGRD 101), Smart Grid: Command and Control (SGRD 102), Metering and Home Area Networks (SGRD 103), Smart Grid Network Security (SGRD 104), Microgrids and Renewable Energies (SGRD 105), and Energy Efficient Buildings (SGRD 106).

Those wanting more information, or how to enroll contact Chris Reese at (618) 468-4836 or by email at

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